Last Semester!

It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve posted. I had my last undergraduate first day of school! Haha! The classes don’t seem too terrible, but I can tell I’m going to have a LOT of work in my Japanese classes, hopefully a little less in the other two. I already have a test in my Econ class next week sooo….yeah. But the good thing about this teacher is we have 8 tests, but only 6 are graded. Also, if you get in the 6 tests before finals week, the final becomes optional (yay for one less final!) I’m going to change my Psychology class I think…the teacher was talking about in class experiments/group projects to do in the class, and I don’t mind that in a class of 20/30, but this is a class of 300…yeah. That’s not going to work. So I’m switching out.

I started out procrastinating. There was a history background that we had to read for class today, in Japanese, and I waited until 2 am to start. Just wasn’t ready for my break to be over yet :/ Oh well, I’ll try to stay on top of things from now on. I’m going to talk to my advisor tomorrow about making sure everything is set for me to graduate no problems. I’m also going grocery shopping! I NEED FOOD!!!! I had a piece of bread for breakfast and a mini Reeses cup for lunch after class, then fell asleep since I didn’t sleep much the night before. Now I’m eating a can of mixed vegetables (supposedly healthy?). So yeah I need to buy food.

I also got my scholarship money, YAY!!!! But I still have a $5000+ charge on my account, probably because I’m not officially registered for the ECON class because of a stupid permit that’s required if you’re not an ECON major. Usually scholarship money doesn’t go out until the week after registration so everyone can get their classes together (some scholarship amounts depend on how many hours you take), so I was surprised I received mine so quickly. I’ll trust that everything will work out in the end.

Last night, when I couldn’t sleep well, I listened to the audio from the 연세 한국어 읽기, hoping the lady talking would put me to sleep. I probably listened for an hour and a half before I finally fell asleep. Then I slept for about an hour and a half before I was awaken by Kim Jaejoong to get ready for my first class. No sleep + starvation = NOT GOOD! Never again will I do that…I hope. Since I took a nap from 5 pm to 10 pm, I’m wide awake now. Maybe I’ll use this time to study more Korean xD